Membership fee is $30 upon joining (January-December)
Should someone wish to join, they will be required to complete the new member form and submit the $25 annual fee at their second meeting; membership includes business information on website and Facebook posts (“this week’s speaker” and KC member special events)
KC allows only one business per member (eg one member cannot cover home/auto insurance AND life insurance, residential AND commercial cleaning, printing AND graphic design)
Meetings are every two weeks at Smittys, 8am
Members are encouraged to visit websites/Facebook pages of fellow members
Members are asked to utilize the services of fellow members and to provide referrals whenever possible
Members should notify KC Administration if they are going to miss a meeting at (“regrets”)
If a member has missed two meetings in a row without notification, KC Administration will reach out to confirm membership
Members with ongoing absences will be asked to leave the group
Every member has the opportunity to present details of their business at least once a year (featured speaker); members must notify KC Administration well in advance if they are unable to present on the agreed upon date
Speakers are asked to bring a small draw prize
There is a 50/50 draw at each meeting – it is strongly recommended that members purchase a $2 ticket/3 for $5; the money raised is of benefit to all members, so all should contribute
Tickets purchased are also valid for the prize draw (the same ticket cannot win both the 50/50 and the prize)
If there is no speaker, the meeting will be an opportunity to learn more about each member (featured question, non-business related)
Members have the option of joining the Chamber of Commerce under the Kingston Connections banner; the KC Chamber key contact will provide an update of upcoming Chamber events at every meeting
Presentation Tips
What you will need for your presentation
If you bring your laptop, you will need an HMDI connection to display to the TV. The cord is attached to the TV.
Please note Macbooks need an HDMI adapter shown below.
If you bring your laptop, please ensure you remember your power cord (best to be safe during presentation).
Prepare a 15 minute presentation, followed by 5 minute Q&A.
Speakers need to bring a draw prize for the 50/50 (e.g. Tim’s card, bottle of wine, or coffee mug, etc.).