Christmas Dinner at RHODES Resto + Bar RSVP
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Christmas Dinner at Renaissance Venue RSVP
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The Five “C’s” of Credit
Lenders are in business to make (not lose) money. Consequently when a bank lends money it wants to ensure that it will get paid back. To maximize the possibility of being paid back, the bank wants to make sure that there is sufficient assurance that a person can and will…
Murder Mystery Dinner for Huntington’s Disease
Mr.Spot Mysteries held a murder mystery dinner for 130 people at the Aquatarium in Brockville. The event was a fundraiser for Huntington’s Disease. Despite poor weather, the turnout was amazing and the event was packed. Thank you to everyone who organized the event and contributed to help make it such…
Gift-Wrapping Volunteers Needed for CCS
The Canadian Cancer Society has a volunteer gift-wrapping station in the mall every year to collect donations. This year CCS is volunteering on the odd days in December. There are several shifts that are still requiring help at the gift-wrapping station, if you can spare a few hours on one…
Tame Your Self-Critic
Does your self-critic shame and blame you? It’s time to develop your inner “compassion coach”! Learn what triggers your self-critic. Friday, November 22, from 6pm to 9pm. $75+HST, includes a workbook To Register or more info visit Janati Yoga: You can register online at Mind Body Online: Susan…